Porsche India has reportedly witnessed a whopping 38% quarterly growth as compared to the same period during the previous year. The company’s range of two-door sports cars has witnessed a 26% year-on-year increase in demand of late.
The first three months of 2021 were recorded as Porsche India’s best performing quarter in 7 years, sources claimed. The luxury carmaker has revealed that 154 cars have been ordered and delivered across the country during January – March, which is a 52% increase as compared to last year.
Porsche also said that the January quarter recorded the highest sales of its Macan SUVs in the past 6 years. In the wake of such an overwhelming market response, the German automaker is now planning to expand its footprint in India during the next twelve months.
Brand Head for Porsche India, Manolito Vujicic, reportedly said that the company’s outstanding performance is even more significant considering it came at a time when the entire world, including India, is battling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vujicic pointed out that Porsche has managed to outperform quarterly sales recorded during the past seven years and has recorded the highest order volume in five years. He further expressed his gratitude towards Porsche India’s business partners and its loyal customers who played a substantial role in achieving these results.
The company’s recent success can be attributed to several product launches in India, including the new Porsche Panamera luxury performance saloon which increased the average car delivery orders to at least one car per week during the period.
In the meantime, Porsche is also planning to establish its facility of produce battery cells for Electric Vehicles (EV’s) in Swabian town of Tuebingen, Southwest Germany. The new facility is likely to help the company as well as its parent Volkswagen in reducing the dependency on battery suppliers.
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