The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused severe damage to both the nations and the world in many aspects. Amidst the war, the defense ministry of Ukraine has reportedly started using the Artificial Intelligence facial recognition technology by the US based startup Clearview, after it proposed to reveal the Russian assailants, identify the dead, and combat misinformation.
Hoan Ton-That, Chief Executive Officer, Clearview, offered his assistance to Kyiv after the country was attacked by the Russian military forces. The company mentioned that the technology has not been shared with Russia, which makes its actions a special operation for them in Ukraine.
Lee Wolosky, presently an adviser at Clearview who was formerly a diplomat under United States President Barack Obama and Joe Biden, mentioned that the war-hit nation will receive free access to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) search engine by Clearview.
Apparently, the powerful AI technology will help in face recognition, allowing the administration to potentially vet people of interest at checkpoints along with additional uses.
As per credible reports, the Ministry of Digital Transformation in Ukraine has considered offers from the United States based startup Clearview for their AI technology along with other offers from the west providing cybersecurity tools and other support.
According to sources, Clearview has almost 2 billion images from VKontakte, Russia based social media service, which can help Ukraine point out the dead easily, rather than by matching fingerprints. It works even when there has been a facial damage to the deceased.
Ton-That also mentioned that AI technology by his company can also be used to unite the refugees who have been separated from their families during the war, assist the government to debunk the fake social media posts linked with the war, and identify the Russian operatives.
It has been speculated that the Ukraine government will deploy the use of Clearview’s AI technology in the coming days.
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